Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Awesome Kermit the Frog & Yoda Art by Peter DeSeve

Peter DeSeve is one of my all-time favorite illustrators. Do yourself a favor and check out his brilliant work over at his website and blog...
I'll confess right here that I grew up a Star Trek fan and if you let me, could bore you with an endless stream of Trek trivia that would make you squirm with embarrassment. Hell, it would make me squirm with embarrassment, but it's my gift and my curse, I guess. That said, I did enjoy the Star Wars films. Well the first two, anyway. Especially The Empire Strikes Back, which is one of the best science fiction action adventures ever filmed. (Really though, have there been that many?) Anyway, I was invited to be a part of Star Wars, Visions, a truly wonderful collection of...

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